Privacy Policy

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What Information do we collect?

We keep only the information about how you have navigated our website. We temporarily keep information on the products you have added to your basket. We do not keep any personal information that would identify you in the future. When processing your order at Amazon there are other details that will be required - see the relevant Amazon Privacy Policy for full details.

We also record usage data such as the pages visited. This information is completely anonymous.

If you sign up for our Newsletter, we will ask for your email address. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.

How do we protect your information?

Any information we hold is secured in accordance with our internal security policy.

Do we use cookies?

We use cookies to enable you to hold the content of your shopping basket between visits and to record anonymous traffic data. We do not store any personally identifying information in these cookies.

Will we sell your information?

We do not sell any information about their customers; as simple as that. We will not forward your details on to any third party at any time.

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Debug Overview

App Total Time DB Queries DB Query Total Time Amazon Requests
1.4691579341888 147 0.7399 0

No Amazon API Requests Made.

App Debug - Total Time 1.4691579341888 seconds

Number Time From Start Name Description
1 0.65918803215027 Initialise Initialise FSB Function
2 0.66126704216003 App Controller Start Start of the App controller (called before the controller of every page)
3 0.68833994865417 Start of getCategoryListByGroup Function Before first category groups query
4 0.68890285491943 After initial query Before first category groups query
5 0.68890595436096 Get Category List for Group Before the call to getCategoryList function
6 0.68891000747681 Start of GetCategoryList function Start of the function
7 0.68891596794128 Before getting categories Query to get specific category list
8 0.68968987464905 After getting categories Query to get specific category list
9 0.68969202041626 Before getting category custom Before call to function getCategoryCustom
10 0.70813703536987 After getting category custom After call to function getCategoryCustom
11 0.70814299583435 Before getting category custom Before call to function getCategoryCustom
12 0.72402787208557 After getting category custom After call to function getCategoryCustom
13 0.72403287887573 Before getting category custom Before call to function getCategoryCustom
14 0.73605585098267 After getting category custom After call to function getCategoryCustom
15 0.73605990409851 Before getting category custom Before call to function getCategoryCustom
16 0.74247884750366 After getting category custom After call to function getCategoryCustom
17 0.74248385429382 Before getting category custom Before call to function getCategoryCustom
18 0.7526478767395 After getting category custom After call to function getCategoryCustom
19 0.75265288352966 Before getting category custom Before call to function getCategoryCustom
20 0.76304793357849 After getting category custom After call to function getCategoryCustom
21 0.76305294036865 End of GetCategoryList function End of the function
22 0.76306295394897 Get Category List for Group Before the call to getCategoryList function
23 0.76306700706482 Start of GetCategoryList function Start of the function
24 0.76307082176208 Before getting categories Query to get specific category list
25 0.76422095298767 End of getCategoryListByGroup Function Before return()
26 1.3156640529633 App Controller End End of the App controller (called before the controller of every page)
27 1.3350148200989 App_after Controller Start Start of the App_after controller (called after the controller of every page)
28 1.3361079692841 Before Get Options Before the call to getOptions in the tpl class
29 1.4063868522644 After Get Options After the call to getOptions in the tpl class
30 1.4064319133759 App_after Controller End End of the App_after controller (called after the controller of every page)
31 1.4691410064697 Finalizing debug Before the debug is output to the page.
32 1.4691560268402 End of App This is the end of the app logging, final timestamp

Query Debug - 147 Database Queries. Total time 0.7399 seconds

Number Time (Seconds) Time (Milliseconds) Query
1 0.0025 0.0024769306182861
SELECT parameter, value FROM parameters
2 0.0047 0.0046968460083008
SELECT * FROM `bad_bots`
3 0.0006 0.00055909156799316
SET time_zone = 'Europe/London'
4 0.0020 0.0020160675048828
SELECT version FROM version ORDER BY `installed` DESC LIMIT 1
5 0.0010 0.00098395347595215
INSERT INTO ga_users (`isbot`, `ips`) SELECT '1', 'a:1:{i:0;s:13:\"\";}'
6 0.0021 0.0020668506622314
INSERT INTO ga_sessions (`sessionlastseen`) SELECT '1722047012'
7 0.0008 0.00084996223449707
SELECT * FROM autorun ORDER BY lastrun ASC
8 0.0005 0.00045013427734375
SELECT * FROM version ORDER BY installed DESC LIMIT 1
9 0.0006 0.00058507919311523
SELECT id FROM pages WHERE pagename = 'privacy-policy' LIMIT 1
10 0.0005 0.00046420097351074
SELECT * FROM pages WHERE id = 49
11 0.0014 0.0013940334320068
SELECT * FROM template_options WHERE deleted = 0 AND templateuid = 'fsb-fluid2018'
12 0.0241 0.024116992950439
SELECT * FROM template_text WHERE deleted = 0 AND templateuid = 'fsb-fluid2018' AND language = 'en'
13 0.0008 0.00075006484985352
SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pagename = 'privacy-policy'
14 0.0005 0.00054383277893066
SELECT * FROM categorygroups ORDER BY sortorder ASC
15 0.0007 0.00074505805969238
SELECT * FROM categories WHERE parent_id = '0' AND categorygroup_id = '1'  AND hidden = 0 ORDER BY sortorder ASC
16 0.0065 0.0064859390258789
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(c.product_id)) FROM products_categories c, products p WHERE c.product_id = p.id AND p.parent_id = 0 AND c.category_id = 26
17 0.0008 0.00075006484985352
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ebay_products p, products_categories pc WHERE p.id = pc.product_id AND prod_type = 'ebay' AND pc.category_id = 26
18 0.0006 0.00058913230895996
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(bundle_id)) FROM bundle_categories WHERE category_id = 26
19 0.0005 0.0005180835723877
SELECT id FROM categories WHERE parent_id = '26'
20 0.0071 0.007066011428833
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.id)) FROM products p, products_categories c
				WHERE p.id = c.product_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (26)
				  AND p.parent_id = 0
				  AND p.hidden = 0
				  AND p.enabled = 1 
21 0.0007 0.00070405006408691
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.id)) FROM bundles p, bundle_categories c
				WHERE p.id = c.bundle_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (26)
				  AND p.disabled = 0 
22 0.0008 0.00083088874816895
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(cp.id)) FROM custom_products cp, products_categories c
				WHERE cp.id = c.product_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (26)
				  AND c.prod_type = 'custom'
				  AND cp.hide = 0
23 0.0007 0.00067996978759766
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id)) FROM categories_autopopulate WHERE category_id = '26'
24 0.0006 0.00059008598327637
SELECT * FROM categorygroups WHERE id = '1'
25 0.0045 0.0044739246368408
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(c.product_id)) FROM products_categories c, products p WHERE c.product_id = p.id AND p.parent_id = 0 AND c.category_id = 27
26 0.0008 0.00077199935913086
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ebay_products p, products_categories pc WHERE p.id = pc.product_id AND prod_type = 'ebay' AND pc.category_id = 27
27 0.0005 0.00053000450134277
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(bundle_id)) FROM bundle_categories WHERE category_id = 27
28 0.0006 0.00056886672973633
SELECT id FROM categories WHERE parent_id = '27'
29 0.0058 0.0058009624481201
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.id)) FROM products p, products_categories c
				WHERE p.id = c.product_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (27)
				  AND p.parent_id = 0
				  AND p.hidden = 0
				  AND p.enabled = 1 
30 0.0010 0.00097012519836426
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.id)) FROM bundles p, bundle_categories c
				WHERE p.id = c.bundle_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (27)
				  AND p.disabled = 0 
31 0.0010 0.0010199546813965
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(cp.id)) FROM custom_products cp, products_categories c
				WHERE cp.id = c.product_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (27)
				  AND c.prod_type = 'custom'
				  AND cp.hide = 0
32 0.0008 0.00083208084106445
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id)) FROM categories_autopopulate WHERE category_id = '27'
33 0.0007 0.00072288513183594
SELECT * FROM categorygroups WHERE id = '1'
34 0.0030 0.0030341148376465
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(c.product_id)) FROM products_categories c, products p WHERE c.product_id = p.id AND p.parent_id = 0 AND c.category_id = 28
35 0.0010 0.0010459423065186
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ebay_products p, products_categories pc WHERE p.id = pc.product_id AND prod_type = 'ebay' AND pc.category_id = 28
36 0.0007 0.00071811676025391
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(bundle_id)) FROM bundle_categories WHERE category_id = 28
37 0.0007 0.00072813034057617
SELECT id FROM categories WHERE parent_id = '28'
38 0.0029 0.0029239654541016
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.id)) FROM products p, products_categories c
				WHERE p.id = c.product_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (28)
				  AND p.parent_id = 0
				  AND p.hidden = 0
				  AND p.enabled = 1 
39 0.0009 0.00091004371643066
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.id)) FROM bundles p, bundle_categories c
				WHERE p.id = c.bundle_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (28)
				  AND p.disabled = 0 
40 0.0010 0.00096797943115234
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(cp.id)) FROM custom_products cp, products_categories c
				WHERE cp.id = c.product_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (28)
				  AND c.prod_type = 'custom'
				  AND cp.hide = 0
41 0.0008 0.00076413154602051
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id)) FROM categories_autopopulate WHERE category_id = '28'
42 0.0007 0.00074219703674316
SELECT * FROM categorygroups WHERE id = '1'
43 0.0009 0.00093793869018555
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(c.product_id)) FROM products_categories c, products p WHERE c.product_id = p.id AND p.parent_id = 0 AND c.category_id = 29
44 0.0006 0.00064587593078613
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ebay_products p, products_categories pc WHERE p.id = pc.product_id AND prod_type = 'ebay' AND pc.category_id = 29
45 0.0005 0.00052714347839355
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(bundle_id)) FROM bundle_categories WHERE category_id = 29
46 0.0006 0.00057196617126465
SELECT id FROM categories WHERE parent_id = '29'
47 0.0008 0.0007939338684082
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.id)) FROM products p, products_categories c
				WHERE p.id = c.product_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (29)
				  AND p.parent_id = 0
				  AND p.hidden = 0
				  AND p.enabled = 1 
48 0.0006 0.00060296058654785
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.id)) FROM bundles p, bundle_categories c
				WHERE p.id = c.bundle_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (29)
				  AND p.disabled = 0 
49 0.0011 0.0010910034179688
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(cp.id)) FROM custom_products cp, products_categories c
				WHERE cp.id = c.product_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (29)
				  AND c.prod_type = 'custom'
				  AND cp.hide = 0
50 0.0007 0.00065112113952637
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id)) FROM categories_autopopulate WHERE category_id = '29'
51 0.0005 0.00046396255493164
SELECT * FROM categorygroups WHERE id = '1'
52 0.0008 0.00082111358642578
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(c.product_id)) FROM products_categories c, products p WHERE c.product_id = p.id AND p.parent_id = 0 AND c.category_id = 30
53 0.0008 0.0007939338684082
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ebay_products p, products_categories pc WHERE p.id = pc.product_id AND prod_type = 'ebay' AND pc.category_id = 30
54 0.0007 0.0007328987121582
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(bundle_id)) FROM bundle_categories WHERE category_id = 30
55 0.0012 0.0011880397796631
SELECT id FROM categories WHERE parent_id = '30'
56 0.0019 0.0018551349639893
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.id)) FROM products p, products_categories c
				WHERE p.id = c.product_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (30)
				  AND p.parent_id = 0
				  AND p.hidden = 0
				  AND p.enabled = 1 
57 0.0013 0.001270055770874
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.id)) FROM bundles p, bundle_categories c
				WHERE p.id = c.bundle_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (30)
				  AND p.disabled = 0 
58 0.0013 0.0012609958648682
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(cp.id)) FROM custom_products cp, products_categories c
				WHERE cp.id = c.product_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (30)
				  AND c.prod_type = 'custom'
				  AND cp.hide = 0
59 0.0011 0.0011172294616699
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id)) FROM categories_autopopulate WHERE category_id = '30'
60 0.0010 0.00095486640930176
SELECT * FROM categorygroups WHERE id = '1'
61 0.0017 0.0017240047454834
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(c.product_id)) FROM products_categories c, products p WHERE c.product_id = p.id AND p.parent_id = 0 AND c.category_id = 31
62 0.0012 0.0012099742889404
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ebay_products p, products_categories pc WHERE p.id = pc.product_id AND prod_type = 'ebay' AND pc.category_id = 31
63 0.0008 0.00075793266296387
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(bundle_id)) FROM bundle_categories WHERE category_id = 31
64 0.0009 0.00089216232299805
SELECT id FROM categories WHERE parent_id = '31'
65 0.0015 0.0015010833740234
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.id)) FROM products p, products_categories c
				WHERE p.id = c.product_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (31)
				  AND p.parent_id = 0
				  AND p.hidden = 0
				  AND p.enabled = 1 
66 0.0010 0.0009758472442627
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.id)) FROM bundles p, bundle_categories c
				WHERE p.id = c.bundle_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (31)
				  AND p.disabled = 0 
67 0.0012 0.001194953918457
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(cp.id)) FROM custom_products cp, products_categories c
				WHERE cp.id = c.product_id
				  AND c.category_id IN (31)
				  AND c.prod_type = 'custom'
				  AND cp.hide = 0
68 0.0010 0.0010318756103516
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id)) FROM categories_autopopulate WHERE category_id = '31'
69 0.0009 0.00092506408691406
SELECT * FROM categorygroups WHERE id = '1'
70 0.0011 0.0011320114135742
SELECT * FROM categories WHERE parent_id = '0' AND categorygroup_id = '2'  AND hidden = 0 ORDER BY sortorder ASC
71 0.0039 0.0038919448852539
SELECT * FROM manufacturers m WHERE m.display_sidebar = 1 AND m.merge_manufacturer_id = 0 ORDER BY linktitle ASC
72 0.0010 0.00099492073059082
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73 0.0011 0.0010511875152588
74 0.0008 0.00075721740722656
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75 0.0025 0.0024960041046143
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76 0.0018 0.0017659664154053
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78 0.0011 0.0010991096496582
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79 0.0005 0.00045585632324219
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80 0.0015 0.0015048980712891
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83 0.0004 0.00041580200195312
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84 0.0240 0.024009943008423
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87 0.0006 0.00062894821166992
SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = 1626
88 0.0007 0.00065112113952637
SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = 4041
89 0.0005 0.00048494338989258
SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = 4312
90 0.0005 0.00048112869262695
SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = 777
91 0.0005 0.00050616264343262
SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = 3881
92 0.0005 0.00049209594726562
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97 0.0011 0.0010550022125244
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105 0.0012 0.0011699199676514
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106 0.0005 0.00054192543029785
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107 0.0006 0.000640869140625
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108 0.0007 0.00074315071105957
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110 0.0007 0.00072383880615234
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113 0.0012 0.0011820793151855
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114 0.0006 0.0006108283996582
SELECT * FROM productoffers WHERE product_id = '4312' AND merchantid = 'A1X6FK5RDHNB96'
115 0.0005 0.00048303604125977
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116 0.0005 0.00045180320739746
SELECT value FROM productattributes WHERE product_id = '4312' AND (name = 'ListPriceAmount' OR name = 'ListPriceFormattedPrice') ORDER BY name LIMIT 1
117 0.0008 0.00079202651977539
SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = '777'
118 0.0006 0.00057792663574219
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119 0.0007 0.00067305564880371
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120 0.0005 0.00045585632324219
SELECT * FROM productcustomimages WHERE product_id = '777'
121 0.0016 0.001561164855957
SELECT a.name, n.displayname,a.value FROM productattributes a, productattributenames n WHERE product_id = '777' AND a.name = n.originalname
122 0.0007 0.00066113471984863
SELECT * FROM productoffers WHERE product_id = '777' AND merchantid = 'A1X6FK5RDHNB96'
123 0.0005 0.00049614906311035
SELECT * FROM productoffers
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124 0.0005 0.00048494338989258
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126 0.0008 0.00084900856018066
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127 0.0006 0.00062799453735352
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128 0.0006 0.00058102607727051
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129 0.0012 0.0011909008026123
SELECT a.name, n.displayname,a.value FROM productattributes a, productattributenames n WHERE product_id = '3881' AND a.name = n.originalname
130 0.0005 0.00053501129150391
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131 0.0005 0.00047898292541504
SELECT * FROM productoffers
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132 0.0005 0.00048995018005371
SELECT value FROM productattributes WHERE product_id = '3881' AND (name = 'ListPriceAmount' OR name = 'ListPriceFormattedPrice') ORDER BY name LIMIT 1
133 0.0006 0.00063109397888184
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134 0.0008 0.00075912475585938
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135 0.0007 0.00066590309143066
SELECT * FROM product_image_select WHERE product_id = '4213'
136 0.0004 0.0004122257232666
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137 0.0016 0.001619815826416
SELECT a.name, n.displayname,a.value FROM productattributes a, productattributenames n WHERE product_id = '4213' AND a.name = n.originalname
138 0.0005 0.00052404403686523
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139 0.0005 0.00051593780517578
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140 0.0005 0.00050878524780273
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141 0.0011 0.0010559558868408
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145 0.0008 0.00080108642578125
SELECT * FROM template_images WHERE deleted = 0 AND templateuid = 'fsb-fluid2018'
146 0.0017 0.0016720294952393
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