Français style vintage thé en bois Porte-sac Boîte de rangement Chest 9 Compartiment Caddy

Price: Click Button for Price
Product prices and availability are accurate as of 2022-06-08 12:51:54 UTC and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on https://www.amazon.fr/ at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.

Product Features

Ceci est une boîte de thé magnifique qui est si jolie, il serait bien laissé sur l'affichage sur une surface quelconque. Elle est faite de bois et est peinte en blanc sur les quatre côtés avec une légère finition minable. Sur le front sont écrits de Thes & Infusions du Monde », qui traduit de par les Thés et Infusions du Monde» français signifie les mots. La boîte a un verre clair couvercle à charnière avec le contour d'une théière sur laquelle est imprimé. Une bordure en bois sur le bord du verre est peint un gris pâle élégant avec bordure légèrement en détresse. A l'intérieur, la boîte est laissée la couleur du bois naturel et est divisé en neuf sections, chacune de la taille parfaite pour maintenir et présenter différents sachets individuels de thé. (Thés non inclus) Taille: W24cms (9.5 ") x D24cms (9.5") x H8cms (3 ")

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Debug Overview

App Total Time DB Queries DB Query Total Time Amazon Requests
1.4569849967957 271 0.8415 0

No Amazon API Requests Made.

App Debug - Total Time 1.4569849967957 seconds

Number Time From Start Name Description
1 0.57308411598206 Initialise Initialise FSB Function
2 0.57692813873291 App Controller Start Start of the App controller (called before the controller of every page)
3 0.62251210212708 Start of getCategoryListByGroup Function Before first category groups query
4 0.62304306030273 After initial query Before first category groups query
5 0.62304592132568 Get Category List for Group Before the call to getCategoryList function
6 0.62304997444153 Start of GetCategoryList function Start of the function
7 0.62305498123169 Before getting categories Query to get specific category list
8 0.62383604049683 After getting categories Query to get specific category list
9 0.62383794784546 Before getting category custom Before call to function getCategoryCustom
10 0.63943290710449 After getting category custom After call to function getCategoryCustom
11 0.63943791389465 Before getting category custom Before call to function getCategoryCustom
12 0.65049695968628 After getting category custom After call to function getCategoryCustom
13 0.65050196647644 Before getting category custom Before call to function getCategoryCustom
14 0.65694904327393 After getting category custom After call to function getCategoryCustom
15 0.65695405006409 Before getting category custom Before call to function getCategoryCustom
16 0.6616530418396 After getting category custom After call to function getCategoryCustom
17 0.66165709495544 Before getting category custom Before call to function getCategoryCustom
18 0.66644692420959 After getting category custom After call to function getCategoryCustom
19 0.66645193099976 Before getting category custom Before call to function getCategoryCustom
20 0.67125797271729 After getting category custom After call to function getCategoryCustom
21 0.67126297950745 End of GetCategoryList function End of the function
22 0.67127394676208 Get Category List for Group Before the call to getCategoryList function
23 0.67127704620361 Start of GetCategoryList function Start of the function
24 0.67128109931946 Before getting categories Query to get specific category list
25 0.67188000679016 End of getCategoryListByGroup Function Before return()
26 1.1771819591522 App Controller End End of the App controller (called before the controller of every page)
27 1.1780459880829 Product Start Start of the product info controller
28 1.1803710460663 Cache file not found Starting get product details
29 1.2213850021362 Related products Start getting related products if enabled
30 1.2213881015778 Related Products Start Before the related products are found
31 1.2213900089264 Related Products Keywords Before the related product keywords are found
32 1.2213969230652 Create Keyword List Function Start of function
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34 1.224277973175 Create Keyword List Function After looping initial keyword list - 36 keywords remaining
35 1.2242920398712 Create Keyword List Function After reducing keyword list
36 1.2245700359344 Create Keyword List Function After selecting by scoring keywords
37 1.2245769500732 Create Keyword List Function After final loop of keywords
38 1.2245810031891 Related Products Keywords After the related product keywords are found
39 1.2991859912872 Related Products End After the related products are found
40 1.3492889404297 Product End End of the product info controller (Product Info)
41 1.3506751060486 App_after Controller Start Start of the App_after controller (called after the controller of every page)
42 1.3517420291901 Before Get Options Before the call to getOptions in the tpl class
43 1.4194529056549 After Get Options After the call to getOptions in the tpl class
44 1.4195730686188 App_after Controller End End of the App_after controller (called after the controller of every page)
45 1.4196090698242 Product Info: Before Smarty Fetch Before the product.tpl template is fetched
46 1.4332909584045 Product Info: After Smarty Fetch After the product.tpl template is fetched
47 1.4332959651947 Product Info: Before Template Display Before the template is displayed
48 1.4569389820099 Product Info: After Template Display After the template is displayed
49 1.4569609165192 Finalizing debug Before the debug is output to the page.
50 1.456983089447 End of App This is the end of the app logging, final timestamp

Query Debug - 271 Database Queries. Total time 0.8415 seconds

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1 0.0023 0.0023088455200195
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57 0.0005 0.00051617622375488
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62 0.0005 0.00048089027404785
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